Cape May Marriage Retreat

Coming October 28-30

You know that great marriages don't happen by accident. No matter how long you have been married, now’s your chance to take an intentional step toward strengthening your marriage as you and your spouse spend the weekend at a luxurious beach house in Cape May.

Our guest speaker will be nationally certified, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Virginia Pignato, who has been providing Christian-based counseling therapy since 1996.

The cost for this valuable weekend is $100 per couple, yet the value to your marriage and family could be immeasurable! This minimal fee includes lodging and meals. Optional, romantic and fun excursions will also be a part of our weekend getaway!

This event is intended for married couples and you are encouraged to make arrangements for your children, but if special circumstances arise, do not let this stop you from attending. Contact Cissy McNickle to discuss safe care options for your child(ren).


This beautiful beach home features nine bedrooms, large living area and beautiful views so don’t hesitate to confirm your participation. Register by making your non-refundable deposit of 50%. Full balance will be due October 23.