HeArt Of A Warrior - Men's Book Study

Men have a glorious and significant role in God's Larger Story. They also are the target of a special warfare aimed continually and ruthlessly at the center of their being... their masculine hearts.

Naivety and ignorance keep many men running in circles while misinformation and poor training keep many more in bondage. Men are wounded, frustrated, angry and being crushed under the weight of criticism and expectations. The attempted solutions of recent years have been through mere education; tell men what they are doing wrong and give them a list to memorize. This strategy isn't working and it's time we fall back to an ancient one.

What if we are setting men up for failure rather than helping them be free? This is a book about being a Beloved Son, "receiving love" from God and the affect that should have in settling a man's heart. Then, and only then is the foundation set for a man to enter the Battle.

Join us as we kick off this study with a cookout and introduction to the book "HeArt of a Warrior" on Sunday night April 29th at 5:00.

All men welcome. We will meet after this kick off event on Friday nights at 6:30 starting on May 4th.