Neighborhood Fall Party


Our Neighborhood Fall Party was a huge success. We had many new faces join us as we enjoyed a relaxing day of fun day under a beautiful October sky. The children enjoyed games, a cupcake walk, scavenger hunt, and a hayride. They received tickets for each activity they took part in, so at the end of the day, they traded their tickets for prizes!

A group of high school students from First Baptist, Albertville, Alabama, joined us to help to host the events. While they made sure that the children had fun at the games, our Grace Falls family members were free to interact with our guests.

The food was delicious as we enjoyed roasted pork, hamburgers, hot dogs, and a variety of dishes and desserts that features some delicious fall recipes!

Next weekend, the Grace Falls family will travel to assist two fellow church planters who will be hosting similar events in their neighborhoods on Saturday and Sunday.

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