
index Why does regret tend to paralyze us? We look back at a time, a decision, a series of choices that if we had the power to change it we would. The pain, the brokenness, the desire to make things right again seems to be as possible as counting grains of sand on a seashore. The result is a life that seems stuck. We are ready to move on but we would love to go back. This tension is one that many live in and many don’t know what to do.

So what do we do? We can’t stay stuck yet we aren’t sure how to move on? Lets take a walk to the cross where our Savior took all my regret, my pain, and the brokenness of all my choices upon Him. He knew the power of regret and the hold it can have on a life caught between what it could be and what it really is. He took the beating. He took insults. He took the pain and agony associated with the cruelty of the crucifixion and He died for me.

A sinless man, a Holy God did for me what I could never do for myself. He set me free not only from the penalty of my sin but showed me a path out. A life free from regret and living stuck. A life whose slate has been wiped clean by God’s amazing forgiving grace.

And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.

-Colossians 2:13-14

Here is my choice today in light of this amazing truth. I am going to live UNSTUCK. Knowing and believing that God has willingly cancelled everything that REGRET urges me to hold on to…wanting and wishing to change…I am letting it go. I am going to quit punishing myself for debts that God has already canceled! FREEDOM is waiting at the foot of the cross.