Year End Report From Ashley Fierros

tumblr_inline_myzkz660Kz1ri1qcvBeing a Church Plant Core Team member is tough, but extremely rewarding! There are days that having confirmation from the Lord to move to Atlantic City seems to be the only thing that sustains me. And there are also days where I can’t imagine being anywhere else or doing anything different.

Discomfort is the resounding theme that I am growing accustomed to. This allows me to find my comfort and my “home” only in my Lord. Refinement is a daily thing. I am refined through my circumstances and my community that God has blessed me to live with. I never know what he will bring each day. What an adventure!

In preparation for this experience, God allowed me to serve in Costa Rica with Pura Vida Missions for two years. While I was there the Lord taught me to rely on him daily for everything that I would need to survive. This has come in handy as I am faced daily with circumstances that I feel unequipped to resolve. He has to be my daily portion in order for me to do what he is calling me to do here.

I cannot begin to express the gratitude that I feel because of your love and encouragement! I have received letters that lift my soul when I am down. In a time when I don’t know how ends will be met financially, God has used supporters to bless and help me.

Because of prayer, I believe God has removed fear from me at times, he has given me revelations on how to do the tasks before me. The prayers of our supporters have been answered as our Lord has flung open doors that we would not have been able to open apart from his doing.

Thank you for all of the ways that you have encouraged this team and myself through your prayer and financial support! May God bless you.