
Fall Life On Mission Opportunities


Here are two opportunities for us to put our faith into action and live life on mission:

> Northeast Community Outreach

The Grace Falls family and friends are encouraged to support Pastor Alonzo Johnson and his wife Rhonda of Northeast Community Outreach as they host a Community Fall Party. This family-friendly event will be held Saturday, October 22, 11am–3pm, in Wissinoming Park in Philadelphia. Help them to connect with this community as you serve food, encourage game participation and celebrate the transitioning season!

Participants are encouraged to meet at the McNickle’s home at 9am on Saturday to caravan to the park. Please send Pastor Buff a text message or email to verify that you will attend.

> The NeighborHOOD Church

Following the Sunday Gathering, the Grace Falls family is encouraged to support new church plant Pastor Ken Richardson of The NeighborHOOD Church as they host their first Neighborhood Fall Party. This family-friendly event will be held Sunday, October 23, 2–5pm, 2516 Snyder Av. Philadelphia. Help them to connect with this community as you serve food, encourage game participation and bring the joy you have in your heart to this community!

Dress comfortably. We will leave after the Gathering and stop for lunch as we caravan together. Please send Pastor Buff a text message or email to indicate if you will attend and if you can provide transportation.

Neighborhood Fall Party


Our Neighborhood Fall Party was a huge success. We had many new faces join us as we enjoyed a relaxing day of fun day under a beautiful October sky. The children enjoyed games, a cupcake walk, scavenger hunt, and a hayride. They received tickets for each activity they took part in, so at the end of the day, they traded their tickets for prizes!

A group of high school students from First Baptist, Albertville, Alabama, joined us to help to host the events. While they made sure that the children had fun at the games, our Grace Falls family members were free to interact with our guests.

The food was delicious as we enjoyed roasted pork, hamburgers, hot dogs, and a variety of dishes and desserts that features some delicious fall recipes!

Next weekend, the Grace Falls family will travel to assist two fellow church planters who will be hosting similar events in their neighborhoods on Saturday and Sunday.

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Welcome Our Mission Partners


Oct. 15–18: First Baptist, Albertville Mission Team

We are so excited to welcome the Student Mission Team from Albertville, Alabama! They will help to host our third annual Neighborhood Fall Party. By helping to manage the games and activities, our Grace Falls family will be free to interact with our guests. They will also travel to the Frankford neighborhood of Philadelphia to strengthen the partnership we have with Ziegler Neighborhood School. They will also serve at the Atlantic City Rescue Mission and help meet needs of the homeless.

Oct. 18–20: Heritage Mission Team, Cantonment, FL

This church has partnered with fellow Church Plant Pastor Alonzo Johnson of Northeast Community Outreach. Their team will provide helping hands to assist with the first Dad and Me Night at Ziegler Neighborhood School in the Frankford neighborhood of Philadelphia. Heritage Pastor Jeff Howard has graciously agreed be a part of a panel discussion to pose ideas of how we can all take a step to help racial and cultural healing within our community and nation.

Oct. 20–25: Calvary Mission Team, Shreveport, LA

This team will be very busy as they provide assistance to three church plants during their visit. They will be helping to host Neighborhood Fall Parties for the Northeast Community Outreach in the Frankford neighborhood on Saturday, as well as for the Neighbor-HOOD Church event on Sunday afternoon, both in the Philadelphia area.

Check out the opportunities to work with these teams to help live "Life On Mission"

Life On Mission Opportunities


We talk a lot at Grace Falls about living out the gospel and living life on mission. Here are some opportunities to put what we believe into action.

THURSDAY October 20th Dad & Me Night 6–7:30pm, Ziegler School, Frankford, PA

The Grace Falls family and friends are invited to join with Northeast Community Outreach and the Ziegler Fatherhood Initiative to host the first Dad’s Club event of the new school year. Volunteers are needed to welcome kids and the significant man in their life, serve refreshments, and make sure everyone has a great time at the Dad & Me Night. To learn more, contact Alonzo Johnson at or 215-385-2128.

SATURDAY October 22nd Community Fall Party 11am–3pm, Wissinoming Park | 5801 Frankford Av | Philadelphia

The Grace Falls family and friends are invited to join with Northeast Community Outreach as they host a Community Fall Party. Volunteers are needed to help to cook, manage the games, and make sure that those who attend will experience a positive connection to others within their community. To learn volunteer, contact Alonzo Johnson at or 215-385-2128.

SUNDAY October 23rd Community Fall Party 2–5pm, Snyder Avenue | Philadelphia

The Grace Falls family and friends are invited to join with Neighbor-HOOD CHURCH as this new church plant to host a Community Fall Party. Volunteers are needed to help to cook, manage the games, and make sure that those who attend will experience a positive connection to others within their community. The Grace Falls family will caravan to this event immediately following our Sunday Gathering.

Cape May Marriage Retreat

Coming October 28-30

You know that great marriages don't happen by accident. No matter how long you have been married, now’s your chance to take an intentional step toward strengthening your marriage as you and your spouse spend the weekend at a luxurious beach house in Cape May.

Our guest speaker will be nationally certified, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Virginia Pignato, who has been providing Christian-based counseling therapy since 1996.

The cost for this valuable weekend is $100 per couple, yet the value to your marriage and family could be immeasurable! This minimal fee includes lodging and meals. Optional, romantic and fun excursions will also be a part of our weekend getaway!

This event is intended for married couples and you are encouraged to make arrangements for your children, but if special circumstances arise, do not let this stop you from attending. Contact Cissy McNickle to discuss safe care options for your child(ren).


This beautiful beach home features nine bedrooms, large living area and beautiful views so don’t hesitate to confirm your participation. Register by making your non-refundable deposit of 50%. Full balance will be due October 23.

Introducing Taylor Lightsey


By Taylor Lightsey

Hey there. My name is Taylor and I am a procrastinator; hence why this introduction blog is coming out weeks after I arrived at Grace Falls to serve as a summer ministry intern... but better late than never I suppose.

I am originally from Lake Placid. No, not New York, but Florida. Yes, there really is a Lake Placid in Florida. No, that's not where the movie was filmed. Yes, we do have alligators.

I like photography, traveling, coffee, and long walks to the fridge. My friends are like family to me, the only marathon I've got in me is going to be on Netflix, I absolutely love Florida, and my weaknesses include cheeseburgers, milkshakes, and a man with nice facial hair.

Amidst all the complications that life brings, my story remains simple. My relationship with God began at a young age, although I do not know the day or even the year it happened, I know that my confidence lies in knowing that I became aware of my need for God a long time ago and He has been present in my life ever since.

My journey with God has been hard, exciting, confusing, stretching, adventurous, and most of all absolutely beautiful; and I can say already at 23 years old that it is a marathon, and it is absolutely worth it. All that truly lasts in this world is the Word of God and the souls of men and I pray that the way I steward the relationships, money, talents, time, and opportunities that the Lord has given me will clearly reflect that.

Although I have walked with God for most of my life, in my first year of college I got to the point where I wanted to want more but I wasn't even quite sure what I wanted. That year, a family came into my life, and for the first time I realized what it meant to choose the life of a disciple. Salvation is free but discipleship is costly.

God used this family to radically change my life by being a living example of what it looks like to pursue God whole heartedly and what it looks like as the gospel begins to penetrate every aspect of your life.

After that change began in my life, I decided that just as that family was used by God to drastically change my life— if I could be that for someone else, then I want to be there. That desire eventually brought me to Grace Falls.

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-- the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace. (Acts 20:24)

Because the northeast is such a different world than the southern Bible belt from which I originate, I am excited to know that my worldview will be expanded. My favorite part of traveling is always that experiencing a new place, new foods, and different peoples never fails to expand my view of who God is.

The glory of God is thriving in the middle of this living room-styled gathering, through the most unlikely of people, and in an area where the tradition of church is so foreign that the concept that God really loves them is breaking news.

The ministry here is not to just see people "get saved," but to help them to recognize that their need is so much deeper than just a way to heaven. Ultimately, their need is to be in right relationship with their Creator. Just like any relationship, to experience the full goodness of it is to pursue it, so we are here to walk that road with them. More than just the saving power of the gospel is the sanctifying power of the gospel –Because the gospel changes everything.